Dividing Decimals is much similar to dividing Whole Numbers, except the way we handle the decimal point. Refer to the Dividing Decimal by a Whole Number Step by Step, Solved Examples, etc. Get a good hold of the concept and know How to Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number. Learn the entire procedure used to Divide Decimals by a Whole Number and solve related problems with ease.
Also, Read: Multiplying Decimal by a Decimal Number
Dividing Decimals – Definition
The process of Dividing Decimals is much similar to the normal division. All you need to keep in mind is to place the decimal point correctly in the quotient. To divide a decimal by a whole number, the division is performed in the same way as in whole numbers ignoring the decimal point. Place the decimal point in the quotient in the same position as in the dividend.
How to Divide a Decimal by a Whole Number?
Follow the simple steps provided below to get acquainted with the Division of a Decimal with a Whole Number. They are along the lines
- Write the division in standard form and divide the whole number part of the decimal number with the divisor.
- Here dividend is the decimal number and the divisor is the whole number.
- Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point of the dividend. Get the tenths digit down.
- Divide the dividend with the divisor.
- Try adding Zeros in the dividend till you get a Zero Remainder.
Solved Examples on Division of a Decimal by Whole Number
1. Solve 112.340 ÷ 5?
Decimal Number 112.340 is the dividend and 5 is the whole number. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point of the dividend 112.340.
Now, we are going to bring down the 3. But, because it follows the decimal point, we have to place a decimal point in the quotient. Later we can bring down the next number.
Therefore, 112.340 ÷ 5 = 22.468
2. Solve 215.8 ÷ 3?
Decimal Number 215.8 is the dividend and 3 is the whole number. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point of the dividend 215.8
Now, we are going to bring down the 8. But, because it follows the decimal point, we have to place a decimal point in the quotient. Later we can bring down the next number.
Therefore, 215.8 ÷ 3 = 71.93
3. Find 142.82 ÷ 4?
Decimal Number 142.82 is the dividend and 4 is the whole number. Place the decimal point in the quotient above the decimal point of the dividend 142.82
Now, we are going to bring down the 8. But, because it follows the decimal point, we have to place a decimal point in the quotient. Later we can bring down the next number.
Therefore, 142.82÷ 4 = 35.705