Division of a decimal by a whole number examples are here. Know the steps to divide all the decimal values to whole numbers. Also, know the formulae and tricks to solve division problems. Check solved examples of decimals division by a whole number. In the below sections, we have mentioned the complete details regarding formulae, step-by-step procedure, tricks, and examples.
Division of a Decimal by a Whole Number
Before going to check how to divide a decimal by a whole number, know how to convert the decimal value into a whole number. If you convert the decimal value into a whole number, then the division rule can be easily applied to it. The division is the most challenging part of all the operations present in mathematics.
It is challenging because, to divide the values, you also have to use operations like multiplication, subtraction, addition etc. With the help of the divisions, you get perfect in estimations and rounding the values. Dividing the decimal values is almost the same as dividing the whole numbers. Here, you just have to use the decimal point value in the dividend to determine the decimal value places in the final solution.
How to Divide Decimal Numbers?
- First of all, check if the divisor is a whole number or not:
- Once you find it as a whole number, you have to move the decimal points which is present in the divisor to the right.
- Also, move the decimal point which is present in the dividend to the same number of places.
2. Follow the same rules of division and divide the number as usual. In case, the divisor is not going into the dividend evenly, add as many as zeros to the right value of the last digit until the divisor goes into the dividend. First, add one zero and check if the divisor can divide the dividend, if not repeat the process and add zeros until you get the final solution.
3. Now, find the position of the decimal point in the final result directly which is present above the decimal point in the dividend.
4. If you are a beginner, then check your answer using the calculator by multiplying divisor and quotient. If it equals the dividend, then the solution is correct, if not it is wrong.
Rules for Division of a Decimal Value by a Whole Number
- We have to use the long division or division of decimals by the whole number, ignoring the decimal points. We have to treat the decimal values as whole numbers and then divide the values.
- In the final answer (quotient), we have to place the decimal value point in the same place where the number that is divided exactly has. Hence, we get the appropriate solution when decimal values are divided by whole numbers.
How to Divide a Decimal Value by a Whole Number?
- Write the division equation in the standard form. Divide the part of the whole number of the decimal value by the divisor.
- Now, place the decimal value point in the quotient above the decimal point which is present in the dividend. You have to bring the tenths digits down.
- In the case that tenths digits are not divisible by the divisor, you have to add 0 in the quotient also in front of the digit in the tenths place.
- Now, the divisor has to be divided by the dividend.
- Add zeros in the dividend until you get the remainder as 0.
Dividing a Decimal by One Digit Whole Number
To divide a decimal by a one-digit whole number, you have to follow a few steps:
- Divide the value as you normally do. You can do it normally as there is no decimal value in the number.
- While bringing the digit down which comes after the decimal point, you have to place the decimal value in the quotient.
Dividing a Decimal by Two Digit Whole Number
To divide a decimal by a two-digit whole number, you have to follow a few steps:
- As there is no decimal point in the given number you have to divide the number normally.
- While bringing the first digit on the right side of the decimal value point down, you have to place the decimal value in the quotient.
Also, Read:
How to do Long Division with Decimal Values?
- First of all, check if the number has a decimal value, if it has the decimal value, move that decimal value point to the right by counting the number of place values you have moved it to.
- Once, you have done with the decimal value, move that point in the number you are dividing with the same place number to the right.
- Insert the decimal value point in the quotient space, present exactly above the decimal value point in the number below the division bar.
- Divide the value until you get the remainder as zero or till you have enough decimal places in the solution or quotient. There is also another case where the remainder repeats indicating the answer is the repeating decimal.
Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers Examples
Question 1:
Divide the decimal value 360.57 by 51?
To divide the decimal value 360.57, first divide 360 by 51
When dividing 360/51, we get the quotient as 7
Now, multiply 51 with 7, which results in 357
Then, subtract the result 357 from 360, the remainder is 3
As, 3 is the remainder, now go for the division of decimal value by 51
Now, bring down the value 5, as it follows the decimal point, place the decimal point in the quotient.
We continue it and divide 35 by 51. As 35 is less than 51, add 0 in the quotient and bring down the succeeding number “7”
Now, divide 357/51 which results as 7
35-357 = 0
Hence, the division is done and the solution is 7.07
Therefore, the final solution of dividing 360.57 by 51 is 7.07
Question 2:
Divide the decimal value 47.5 by 5?
To divide the decimal value 47.5, first divide 47 by 5
When dividing 47/51, we get the quotient as 9
Now, multiply 9 with 5, which results in 45
Then, subtract the result 47 from 45, the remainder is 2
As, 2 is the remainder, now go for the division of decimal value by 47
Now, bring down the value 2, as it follows the decimal point, place the decimal point in the quotient.
We continue it and divide 25 by 5, the result will be 5
Subtract the value 25 from 25 then the final remainder will be 0.
Hence, the division is done and the solution is 9.5
Therefore, the final solution of dividing 47.5 by 5 is 9.5