3 Times Table Multiplication Chart | Learn How to Read & Write 3 Times Multiplication Table | Tips to Memorize Table of Three

Students are advised to learn the Multiplication Table of 3 for quick calculations. 3 Times Table is the multiplication table of prime number 3 with other whole numbers. Table of 3 can be easily found using the repeated addition. Math Tables proves to be an excellent brain activity for kids right from an early age. Check How to Read and Write 3 Times Multiplication Chart, Tips to Remember the Three Table. Learn to solve problems involving Multiplication Table of 3 by referring to the complete article.

3 Times Multiplication Chart

Learning Table of 3 is quite essential to do your math calculations in a much faster way. Utilize the Table of 3 to understand and gain a deeper insight into the multiplication operation. For your idea, we have given the 3 Times Multiplication Table in image format. You can download and save it without paying us a single penny. Use this Table of 3 Chart for quick reference and try to recite it every day and memorize it easily.

Multiplication Chart of Three

How to Read Three Times Multiplication Table?

One time three is 3

Two times three is 6

Three times three is 9

Four times three is 12

Five times three is 15

Six times three is 18

Seven times three is 21

Eight times three is 24

Nine times three is 27

Ten times three is 30

Eleven times three is 33

Twelve times three is 36

How to write a Multiplication Table of 3? | Three Times Table upto 20

Learn how to write Table of 3 by checking out the below table. We have outlined the 3 Times Table up to 20 natural numbers so that you can get deeper knowledge on the multiplication which would be beneficial in the long run.


Why should you Learn the Multiplication Table of 3?

Go through the below lines to know the importance of the Three Table. They are along the lines

  • Learning the Table of 3 is a necessary skill to solve problems on long division and multiplication.
  • You can perform your metal math calculations right in your head and improve your problem-solving skills.
  • By Learning the Multiplication Table of 3, you can understand the pattern of multiples.
  • Ensures faster calculations and saves a lot of time.

Tips to Memorize 3 Times Table

Follow the below-listed tips & tricks to keep in mind to learn and memorize the Multiplication Table of 3. They are in the below fashion

        • Apparently, there are any rules that make the table of 3 easy to remember. However, there is a pattern for every 10 multiples of 3 i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30.
        • The last digit of these multiples will always repeat. You can remember these digits to memorize the multiples of 3 easily.
        • Another way to learn 3 up to 10 is through skip counting.

      Tips for 3 Times Table

By referring to the above image you can understand that the units digit are nothing but counting numbers written three in one column in descending order from right to left. 0 is left outside the grid. Later, place the digit 0 before the units digit in row 1 and digit 1 in the second row and digit 2 in the third row. Also, place 3 before the digit 0 outside the grid. That’s it you have got the first ten multiples of 3.

Get More Math Tables:

0 Times Table1 Times Table2 Times Table
4 Times Table5 Times Table6 Times Table
7 Times Table8 Times Table9 Times Table
10 Times Table11 Times Table12 Times Table
13 Times Table14 Times Table15 Times Table
16 Times Table17 Times Table 18 Times Table
19 Times Table20 Times Table21 Times Table
22 Times Table23 Times Table24 Times Table
25 Times Table

Solved Examples Involving 3 Times Table

1. Using 3 times table, evaluate 3 times 6 minus 3?


From the given statement we can write the mathematical expression as follows

= 3*6-3

= 18-3


Thus, 3 times 6 minus 3 is 15

2. Using the table of 3, Find the value of 3 plus 3 times 7 minus 5?


First, let us write 3 plus 3 times 7 minus 5 mathematically

= 3+3*7-5

= 3+21-5

= 24-5

= 19

Hence, 3 plus 3 times 7 minus 5 is 19

3. Find the value of 4 plus 3 times 6?


Let us write the given statement mathematically

= 4+3*6

= 4+18

= 22

Hence, 4 plus 3 times 6 is 22

4. Using the table of 3, find the value of 3 times 5 minus 3 times 2?


Let us write the given statement mathematically

= 3*5-3*2

= 15-6


Hence, 3 times 5 minus 3 times 2 is 9.

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